Molly Aubry, Aimee Cameron, Nora Chapa Mendoza & Kim Fay
In Flux
September 27 - October 19, 2019
Reception: September 27, 6 - 9 PM

In Flux presents the work of four artists, Molly Aubry, Aimee Cameron, Nora Chapa Mendoza & Kim Fay. All four utilize abstraction, but with very different approaches to color, form and texture. The exhibition, curated by gallery owner Melannie Chard, invites the viewer to more deeply engage with the artists' individual artistic practices and expressive choices.
Molly Aubry
My work explores entangled perceptual worlds through the matrix of print media. I begin my process by observing natural phenomena—algae coalescing with ice, moss marking the bark of a tree. I document my observations in paintings and photographs, which I then alter through digital and physical processes. My installations merge the resulting works with found objects and existing architecture, thereby altering the preexisting space. Mining the tension between organic materials and digital processes, the work imagines artifacts from a world in which the natural and artificial are inextricably linked.
Aimee Cameron
My fascination with the relationship between materials, form, layers, and process, has played an essential role in the development of my current collection of work. The plaster and fabric base is created with a fast, intuitively uncontrolled process, while the surface work is carefully composed in reaction to the base, revealing all the subtle substructures and complicated textual patterns. My interest is in highlighting the patterns that seem to emerge as well as perceived imperfections. I draw inspiration from the complex designs of a landscape or body of water that can only be viewed aerially and attempt to capture that design as well as it’s imperceptible or constant movement.
Nora Chapa Mendoza
In order that my art reflect my life, it is inevitable that the artist free the spirit and spontaneously embrace the soul. Each day I look eagerly to yet another opportunity to observe and express the pain and dignity of human endeavor.
Nora Chapa Mendoza has been named "Michigan Artist of the Year" and is a recipient of the Governor's Arts Award. In 1996 she was one of eight artists that participated in the renovation of Detroit's Music Hall. Her body of work spans many mediums and subject matters.
Kim Fay
This new series was provoked by my father’s death. After his departure, all the color drained out of my life and my work. Unwilling to permanently reside in gut-wrenching grief, the following year was one of realignment and discovery. Painting has always been a refuge, but a wound this deep requires intensive treatment and healing.
Through a practice of yoga and meditation, I was able to reach a reservoir of unstruck light. I am still working to expand from that place, turn the volume down on despair and return to hope. This work is an integral component in this process, visually illustrating the inner turbulence as well as moments of peace.